About Katherine

Welcome to Bridgetown Doula! This website is dedicated to helping soon-to-be moms find courage, strength and information to provide you with the best preparation possible for your upcoming birth and welcoming your new baby.

how to prepare for birth

I have been a certified doula and childbirth educator for thirteen years. My calm, reassuring and intuitive presence has created a safe, loving and nurturing space for over 100 moms and their partners to connect and enjoy the birth of their new baby.

I live in Portland, Oregon with my three kids and our dog Rosie. My own birth experiences were vastly different starting with a planned birth center to cesarean, hospital VBAC, and finally a home water birth. I’ve yet to hear any new mom say, “Yup, that was exactly how I thought it would be” after she gave birth.

That’s why it is my passion to give moms the tools they need to navigate the unknowns of birth with confidence, knowledge, and compassion for themselves.

Would you like to find your courage and strength and have all the preparation you need to birth mindfully and have a fulfilling birth experience? Let’s talk!

I have received training and or certifications from the following organizations:

DONA International, Birthing From Within, Spinning Babies, Nursing Mothers Council of Portland, La Leche League, Baby Blues Connection, Human Lactation 1 and 2 at PCC,

For a FREE 30 minute phone or zoom consultation about my doula services in Portland/virtual, or my private, individualized birth preparation that focuses on your goals and desires please fill out the form below.

For a better sense of my style check out some of my posts on my blog

You can also email me at katherine@bridgetowndoula.com