Bridgetown Doula | Birth Preparation and Postpartum Support Anytime, Anywhere | Birth Doula Services in Portland Oregon



Bridgetown Doula

Virtual Birth Preparation and Postpartum Support


Birth Doula Services in Portland Oregon

We are not meant to give birth without loving, knowledgeable and confident support. Getting support means you will have more to give. With trusted support women can do incredible, hard things!

Learn how to be solution focused-ready to do the next best thing, build a coping mindset and how to dismantle unhealthy expectations (particularly of yourself)
Identify your ideas and beliefs about birth and how they’ve been formed, which ones serve you and which do not
Receive the most up to date, evidenced based information and learn how to get the same from your health care providers
Getting support means you will have more to give. With trusted support women can do incredible, hard things!

TRUST Learn how to trust the process of birth, your body and your baby while understanding that not everything is within your control. Learn to trust your intuition


We are not meant to do this without loving, knowledgeable and confident support. Getting support means you will have more to give. With trusted support women can do incredible, hard things! Let me help you and your partner learn how to surrender to the process of birth, build a coping mindset and lean in to your INTUITION!

Birth Preparation & Postpartum Support Anytime, Anywhere!

We will begin with a live video call where we will build a step by step plan for you to follow to prepare for your baby’s arrival.

You will have unlimited access to me via text, phone, and video call support between 8am-8pm CST. Get your questions answered from any where!

Here are just a few of the topics we will cover in your birth preparation sessions:

~Pain coping techniques and practice
~Relaxation techniques
~Positions for labor and birth
~Creating healthy expectations
~Anatomy and physiology of birth

~Identifying the stages of labor and how to cope through each one

~How can your support person(s) best help you-techniques for the support team

~How to prepare your body for labor

~How to best advocate for yourself

~Current evidence-based best practices
~Preparing for the unknown- working through fears/anxiety

Postpartum Support

I never like to hear new parents tell me that their postpartum time was much harder than they expected. People don’t talk about how difficult it can be sometimes and so then when parents do experience postpartum challenges they feel like they are doing something wrong or are inadequate. They feel isolated and alone and don’t know how to get support.

This is where I come in

Twelve hours a day every day of the week phone, text, video support . Get all of your questions answered and worries quelled exactly when you need it.
Daily postpartum text check-in. Every day I will text with reminders, helpful tips and information:
~What to expect and be looking for with wet and poopy diapers (this will change as your breastmilk changes)
~How are you feeling mentally, emotionally and physically. Making a plan to get you what you need.
~How is your body doing -pain level and recovery process – what needs to happen to make it better? Sleep solutions. Breastfeeding. Is this normal?


$ 55/Month

Begin any time during pregnancy through the first year postpartum. Our birth preparation goes way beyond childbirth education. Personalized care takes you deeper into the process and journey of birth and postpartum”s fourth trimester. Get ALL of your postpartum questions answered any day of the week.

  • 1:1 LIVE video sessions
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Mindfulness Practice
  • Pain Coping Strategies
  • Sleep Solutions For the Whole Family
  • Lactation Support
  • Soothing Techniques and MUCH more!

Birth Doula Services in Portland Oregon

My in-person services include the following:

  • Two prenatal visits in your home
  • Free initial consultation over zoom
  • Unlimited phone, text, email support which continues well after the birth
  • Support for early labor at your home, making it possible to stay at home longer before heading to your place of birth
  • continuous support through entire labor and birth
  • immediate postpartum support with breastfeeding and making a breastfeeding/postpartum plan
  • one in home postpartum visit
  • guaranteed back-up doula
  • ongoing support as needed and an extensive referral resource
  • Quality, evidence based education on all topics related to pregnancy, birth and postpartum
  • FEE: $1800

I have been serving families in the Portland area as a certified doula for thirteen years now. I truly enjoy supporting new families and guiding them through the incredible journey of birth.

My passion is helping moms have a satisfying, fulfilling and empowered birth experience…no matter how the birth journey itself happens to unfold. My non-judgmental, reassuring and comforting presence allows moms to be comfortable and at ease amidst the vulnerability and intensity of labor.

I think that women can be overly hard on themselves when we face intense challenges and things don’t go according to our expectations. We too often abandon ourselves to feelings of overwhelm, disappointment and even shame.

I work with clients to help them understand where their ideas and beliefs about birth come from and to reframe any harmful beliefs or expectations that have either been put upon them by others (society) or themselves. In this process moms are able to go into their birth open and curious about what will be and confident that they will be able to handle whatever comes their way.

For more information about me and what Bridgetown Doula has to offer go here

My blog posts are topics that I talk about with my birth doula families. Here are a couple that you may find interesting on when to go to the hospital and inductions.