
These Items Are What You Need For Your Newborn AND YOU!

8 Baby Products That Will Make Life Easier And More Comfortable

These 8 newborn must- have items will make your life easier, and free up your hands while keeping baby close and happy!

I have used and loved all of these items with my own babies or in working with families as a doula. They definitely make my life easier, and we can all use a little more ease in life!

Note: Some of the links mentioned on this page are affiliate links. That means, when you use those links to buy products, I earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. That way I can run this website for years to come. I ONLY have links to products that I have used and love!

1. Baby Carrier~Here Are My Four Favorites

Imagine you’ve been holding your sweet baby all morning. Your arms are aching and your back is screaming… but baby is asleep.

You know as soon as you put her down she will begin to stir and then bam, her eyes will pop open. She’ll be awake. Next she’ll be crying and you’re right back where you started, holding that baby.

You look over at the sink to see it’s full of dishes. Your laptop sits on the kitchen table full of unopened emails. But onward you will pace to keep a screaming baby at bay.

Your baby wants to be held. All. Of. The. Time. One of the things I hear most often from new parents is that they can’t put their baby down, “She starts crying a few seconds after we put her in the bassinet”.

Your baby has spent nine months snuggled up and protected inside the womb. She wants to have that same beautiful womb warmth and safety on the outside.

Having a baby carrier will be a life saver when you need your hands free!

This is especially the case when you are by yourself with baby.

The best way to do this is to have her snuggled up against your chest, safely and comfortably for both of you in a baby carrier.

Learn more about the fourth trimester and why baby wearing is so beneficial to both mom, partner and baby.

Ergo Baby

Baby K’tan

Boba Wrap

Solly Baby

Pro Tip: It works really nicely to have two carriers, one for each parent so that you don’t have to adjust the straps every time you switch wearers.

So What About When I Need To Go To The Bathroom? Or Cook? Or….?

2. Bouncy Chair

So you need something safe, easy and transportable to put baby in and take into the bathroom with you. That’s where a simple wire bouncy chair comes in very handy!

This is the bouncy chair , pictured above, I used for my third baby. It’s affordable, you can buy more than one for different levels of your house, and they are lightweight.

Most baby’s like them, they fit in many different areas so your baby can be right next to you without having to carry a big heavy cumbersome swing around.

Once baby can see them, the toys that hang above are a delight.

You don’t want to get caught with nowhere to put your baby when it’s time to go!

Speaking Of Having To Go….

3. Diaper Changing Pad

Not all public restrooms are created equal. Some will not have a diaper changing station.

Some will not have doors wide enough to fit your stroller.

Some will be afflicted with both of these issues and then you wonder…Am I going to have to change my baby on the FLOOR??

Yes, you just might have to… but you’ll manage if you have this diaper changing pad. It is long enough to protect your baby all stretched out.

There is a little head cushion which is very helpful if you are on a hard bathroom floor.

It has plenty of pockets for diapers and wipes and a compartment for toys, clothes and creams. It even folds up into a nice looking carrying case.

Just make sure you’re stocked with wipes to wipe everything down with afterwards 😉

newborn must have essentials for baby

And More On Potty Needs…..

4. Caddy for nursing and diaper changes

These handy caddies are a must have for nursing moms and to use as diaper changing stations so you can have multiple spots around your house to change baby.

Sometimes you don’t want to go to the changing table, you just want to plunk down on the floor and get the job done right there. A caddy ready with diapers, wipes, butt cream, blanket…the list goes on.

It’s perfect for when mom is settling in to nurse, all she needs to do is grab her caddy and she’s got access to all her essentials…phone, tablet, remote control, water, tissues, nipple cream, burp cloth, lip balm, etc.

5. The DockATot – Baby Lounging At It’s Finest

This comfy device is perfect for leisurely playtime at home or for a sense of home for your baby when you’re traveling.

It’s so easy to move around the house so that you can have your baby hanging out wherever you want to be.

6. The Nose Frida

Not All Snot Suckers Do Their Job

It all came rushing back to me after my third baby was born, the endless quest to remove the possibility of sleep- preventing boogers from my infants tiny, flat nostrils. Not an easy task let me tell you.

In comes the best snot sucker ever, the nose Frida. Just check this little gadget out. It speaks for itself. Enjoy the sweet triumphant sound of successful snot sucking and knowing no baby blocked sinuses are going to keep everyone from getting sleep!

7. Booby Tubes from Earth Mama Organics

The Boobs Take A Beating, And Here’s How to Help Them

Earth Mama Organics - Booby Tubesâ„¢

These comfortable soft and pliable booby tubes can be warmed in the microwave for relieving clogged milk ducts or placed in the freezer and used to relieve swelling from engorgement.

It is wonderful that you can use these for both warm and cold comfort because you never know what the day is going to call for.

When my milk was coming in my breasts were always hot and swollen and the booby tubes from the freezer did the trick, relieving my discomfort tremendously.

After a few months of breastfeeding I would always get a clogged milk duct and so a quick warm up in the microwave of the boob tube and my breast was relieved and it helps to release the clogged duct.

8. Lansinoh Soothies

I could not manage without my Lansinoh Soothies gel pads. Nipple creams alone were not enough for me, My nipples were fairly torn up (sorry) in the first few weeks and these things saved my life.

I kept them in the freezer for ultimate cooling relief… and what a relief it was! Can’t recommend these enough.

Even if you are spared the gnarlier afflictions of breastfeeding (find a good lactation consultant if you’re not) you’ll probably not escape some general soreness and these will sooth you right up!

The other thing that can help your nipples is to make sure the latch is happening efficiently, I’ve got a video demonstrating the cross cradle hold which is a perfect position for first time moms and helps to reduce nipple damage.

newborn must-have items
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

For More Helpful Tips….

check out my article on surviving early labor and this one about when to go to the hospital in labor.